Li Jianhong Pays a Visit to The Malta Freeport


On April 28, China Merchants Group Chairman Li Jianhong paid a visit to The Malta Freeport, which was accompanied by CMG Assistant President and CMF Chairman Hong Xiaoyuan.

The Malta Freeport, which is the flagship project fully owned by Terminal Link that is jointly operated by China Merchant Port(49% shareholder), represents a strategic platform for the shipping lines that have chosen it as a Mediterranean hub port being located at the crossroads of some of the world's greatest shipping routes and in the heart of the Europe/Maghreb/Middle East triangle. Li Jianhong's delegation went to The Malta Freeport for gaining information about its berth layout and operations. Alex Montebello, CEO of The Malta Freeport, explain the importance of The Malta Freeport to Mediterranean region and future expansion plan in details. He expressed the gratitudes to China Merchants Group, main shareholder of Freeport, for improving its international competitiveness.

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CMG, founded in the Westernization Movement in 1872, is a pioneer in China's national industry and commerce. During past 140 years, CMG made a lot of firsts and acted as a leader in different business fields, like setting up the first commercial fleet, bank, insurance company in modern China. CMG plays an important role in economic history and social development history of modern China...

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