Co-operation Agreement between Sinotrans&CSC and China Merchants Port


On May 15, 2017 local time, Sinotrans&CSC signed Co-operation Agreement about Synergy Development with China Merchants Port. CMG Chairman Li Jianhong, Vice Chairman Zhao Huxiang, Executive Vice President Hu Jianhua, Wang Hong and Assistant President Chu Zongsheng attended the ceremony.

In the light of reciprocal cooperations, Sinotrans&CSC and China Merchants Port will promote practical cooperations in terms of four areas. First, the collaboration between inland port of Pearl River and Shenzhen West Terminal should be heightened, with jointly building smart logistics and port. Second, dual intermodal transport channels of sea and railways from Shilong to Shenzhen West Port in the South China should be forged under the advantages of Shilong's international railway logistics base so that block train from Shilong to Europe will be more convenient. Besides, Group's bonded warehouse in Shenzhen with a higher effective logistics system should be lanched. Last, international business should be in full swing by making full use of the overseas resources of Sinotrans&CSC and China Merchants Port under the Group's Strategy in participating The Belt and The Road Initiative.

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CMG, founded in the Westernization Movement in 1872, is a pioneer in China's national industry and commerce. During past 140 years, CMG made a lot of firsts and acted as a leader in different business fields, like setting up the first commercial fleet, bank, insurance company in modern China. CMG plays an important role in economic history and social development history of modern China...

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