Meng Zhenping Pays a Visit to China Merchants Group


On June 2, 2017 local time, Meng Zhenping, President of State Power Investment Corporation paid a visit to China Merchants Group. CMG Chairman Li Jianhong welcomed his visit. Executive Vice President and Assistant President Hong Xiaoyuan kept company with him.

In the meeting, Wang Hong introduced the history and new vision of China Merchants Group, particularly on the participation of "The Belt and The Road" Initiative. Group has built a global port network with 49 ports among 19 countries. With the operation of China express railways to Europe, China-Europe logistics channel has been lanched. Group has been successfully reduplicating PPC(Port-Park-City) business model in overseas districts and areas. The heads of strategy development, finance and capital operation departments sparked reports to the delegation of State Power Investment Corporation.


About CMG>

CMG, founded in the Westernization Movement in 1872, is a pioneer in China's national industry and commerce. During past 140 years, CMG made a lot of firsts and acted as a leader in different business fields, like setting up the first commercial fleet, bank, insurance company in modern China. CMG plays an important role in economic history and social development history of modern China...

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