China Merchants Group holds 10th meeting of 2nd Board of Directors


On October 22, China Merchants Group held the tenth meeting of the second Board of Directors. The meeting was held in conjunction with the electronic means of communication. Group Chairman Miao Jianmin presided over the meeting. Group Directors Wang Cuijun, Duan Xianghui, Luo Dongjiang, Pei Kerwei, Ren Binyan, Wu Andi and Chen Zuofu attended the meeting. Nine directors should be present. Eight directors attended (Group Chairman Miao Jianmin was authorised by Director Hu Jianhua to vote on his behalf). The number of attendees complied with relevant provisions of Company Law and Articles of Association. According to China Merchants Group's Articles of Association and Rules of Procedures of Board of Directors and other applicable regulations, the meeting unanimously passed four proposals such as renewal of Auditor contract and management of investment after the participating directors deliberated and voted.

The meeting also informed the evaluation feedback of the Board of Directors of the year 2019 and meeting schedule and investigation work arrangements of the year 2021.





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CMG, founded in the Westernization Movement in 1872, is a pioneer in China's national industry and commerce. During past 140 years, CMG made a lot of firsts and acted as a leader in different business fields, like setting up the first commercial fleet, bank, insurance company in modern China. CMG plays an important role in economic history and social development history of modern China...

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